by Richard W Wetherill
This book, explains how to eliminate the dilemmas and difficulties of life. Problems and trouble will cease to be a compelling force in your life. The information has been tested and is in daily use by successful business leaders and private citizens. It reveals a dynamic lifestyle based on a natural law of behavior.
Pressures and tensions of modern life can be reduced enormously, and the information presented in this book tells how. The information has been and is being tested in daily use by persons from various walks of life.
They all say the information is correct and that it is important.
They tell startling stories of what it is doing for them. They say the information is new, and many of them say they resisted some portions of it at first. The evidence is that no great progress is made except by changing from the old to the new, and the pioneering work of changing is ordinarily resisted at first.
The person who resists is behaving naturally.
If he persists through the initial resistance, however, he makes remarkable discoveries. He becomes aware that problems he thought were necessary are not necessary at all, and he learns how various objectionable conditions in his life can be changed.
Soon he finds that his original resistance is replaced by an eagerness to learn more.
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Printed Book Details
Paperback: 121 pages
Publisher: The Alpha Publishing House; 3rd edition (January, 1991)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1881074013
ISBN-13: 978-1881074014
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.5 x 0.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces